Facility Rental Availability Calendar
Public Skate, Shinny and Curling times are posted on the Events Calendar which can be found in the EVENTS tab on the homepage.
Please select your desired facility in the drop-down box and use the calendar below to navigate through our availability.
If there are times available for rental, the time block will show in green - if there is no availability, it will show white. This includes the Outdoor Rink, please do not submit a booking request for Outdoor Ice that is not showing as available.
To request an available rental time, please fill in the 'Request a Booking' at the top right corner of this page. Bookings will be made in the order requests are received.
For arena ice rentals please note that we require 15 minutes of the available time(s) showing to do a flood after the rental. For all other rentals, we require 15 minutes of the available time(s) showing to allow the group using the facility to vacate without impinging on the next user group's paid time.
For example, if 12:45 pm - 1:45pm is showing as available, the rental time will actually be from 12:45pm -1:30pm (a 45 minute ice time) as we require the last 15 minutes to complete the flood or allow time for a facility user group change-over.