Support SPFAS
The Springbank Park For All Seasons Agricultural Society (SPFAS) is a not-for-profit Agricultural Society registered with the Province of Alberta. SPFAS is also registered as a charitable organization with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Subject to CRA compliance requirements, SPFAS is able to issue charitable receipts for financial donations.
SPFAS is very grateful and appreciative for every financial donation received. Each contribution is utilized to support the users of SPFAS facilities as they play, learn, socialize, and have fun as they enjoy a wide array of programs, events and activities at SPFAS.
We certainly appreciate receiving financial donations that assist with operating activities, special events, and capital development projects.

Examples of specific purposes for which financial donations can assist SPFAS are outlined as follows:
- For a specific capital project (SPFAS has a policy and practice in place whereby new capital projects will generally be considered as a priority when related funds are provided to finance them)
- For the operation of a specific SPFAS facility (A donation can be dedicated for a specific facility)
- For general SPFAS operations (Donated funds will be allocated to the Operating Budget)
- For an SPFAS sponsored event (For example, the Annual Springbank Old Tyme Fall Fair, including specific components of the Fall Fair such as the 5K Walk & Run and the Kids Zone)
- For acquisition of a specific piece of sports, medical, or other piece of equipment (To replace equipment that is worn out, or to enhance the equipment available at SPFAS)
- For offsetting maintenance costs for a piece of equipment or a facility.
To obtain additional information with regards to making financial (or materials) donations to SPFAS please contact the SPFAS General Manager at 403-242-2223 or click on the donate button below:
In addition to monetary support, SPFAS is always in need of volunteers, particularly for the Society’s annual Old Tyme Fall Fair, as well as for fund raising Casino events (which are held approximately every 18 months). If you’re able to provide your time voluntarily for these and other SPFAS events and activities, please call SPFAS at 403-242-2223 to obtain additional information.