Our History
Working with the Society’s partners and others over the years, SPFAS has continually strived to be creative and innovative with operating, maintaining, changing, improving, and adding facilities. SPFAS is very much looking forward to continuing to do so in the future for the benefit of Springbank community residents, for all of those who live in Rocky View County and also for many others who reside in other municipalities.
SPFAS has continually strived to be creative and innovative with operating, maintaining, changing, improving, and adding facilities.

Below is a chronological listing of key capital facility development initiatives undertaken by SPFAS working in partnership with Springbank community organizations, families and individuals who, since the 1960’s, have come together to build the facilities located at the northeast corner of the Springbank Road – Range Road #33 intersection located in Rocky View County.
Jim and Irene Robinson, both born to pioneer families in Springbank, devoted their lives to family, church, agriculture, and community. In 1968 they provided land for the establishment of the Springbank Park For All Seasons recreation facilities.

Members of the Springbank community had a dream of building an indoor ice rink to serve as a location for hosting sports programs and social activities. This dream became a reality beginning in 1968, and it all officially started with the first Sportsmans’ Dinner that was held to raise funds that were matched by a generous donation provided by Mr. Mervyn A. “Red” Dutton.
With much anticipation and excitement during the construction of this facility, the Red Dutton Arena was opened in 1969. The arena featured a natural ice surface, but unfortunately the ice was often soft and slushy due to the salt content of the locally supplied water used to make the ice.
Members of the Springbank community had a dream of building an indoor ice rink to serve as a location for hosting sports programs and social activities. This dream became a reality beginning in 1968, and it all officially started with the first Sportsmans’ Dinner that was held to raise funds that were matched by a generous donation provided by Mr. Mervyn A. “Red” Dutton.
With much anticipation and excitement during the construction of this facility, the Red Dutton Arena was opened in 1969. The arena featured a natural ice surface, but unfortunately the ice was often soft and slushy due to the salt content of the locally supplied water used to make the ice. To resolve this problem, the Springbank community rallied once again and another fundraising campaign was initiated. As a result of this campaign, and another generous donation from Red Dutton, a refrigeration system that provided artificial ice was installed in the Arena in 1972. The funds generated from this campaign also provided the facility with dressing rooms, washrooms, and a multi-purpose room.
The Red Dutton Arena has been in operation for almost 50 years. It has faithfully served many hockey players, figure skaters, ringette participants, and other skaters over the span of three generations. Skating in the Red Dutton Arena, as well as watching family members and friends do so, has created so many wonderful memories for so many people!
The Springbank Community High School (SCHS) is built adjacent to SPFAS. The High School opened in 1975 with an initial enrollment of 125 students. SPFAS and Rocky View School Division #41 (now Rocky View Schools) established a joint-use facility agreement, which continues to be in effect today, that provides SCHS students with a wide array of opportunities to access SPFAS facilities.
Capital improvements and additions to accommodate student population growth have been made to the SCHS facility since it was first opened, SPFAS and SCHS have grown up together over the years.

Construction of the Curling Rink at SPFAS, which includes 6 sheets of curling ice, was completed in 1979. This facility includes six curling ice sheets. The Springbank Curling Club (SCC) was instrumental with providing the leadership, funding, and project management expertise required to build the Curling Rink.
SPFAS and SCC executed an agreement in 1986 that officially consolidated the operation and management of this facility with that of other SPFAS facilities. SPFAS continues to operate and manage the Curling Rink along with all other SPFAS facilities.
Mr. Joe Phillips generously provided his financial support for the construction of a second ice skating rink. Working along with Mr. Phillips and other partners, SPFAS built this ice rink as part of the Society’s 1997/98 Facility Expansion Project. To recognize the many years of his commitment to the Springbank community, as well as his financial contribution towards the construction of this facility, SPFAS named this second ice skating rink the Joe Phillips Arena.

Feeling nostalgic for and remembering childhoods spent skating and playing shinny hockey outside, members of the Springbank community came together to construct a covered Outdoor Rink so skaters can enjoy these much loved activities with family members and friends. With the financial help provided by a very generous group of community members, as well as from the establishment of a funding partnership with Rocky View County, SPFAS built a covered Outdoor Rink that opened in 2007.
For a number of years, the natural ice surface was a challenge to maintain due to the variability of weather conditions and the frequent presence of chinook winds in Springbank. Beginning in 2015, SPFAS partnered with the Springbank Minor Hockey Association (SMHA) to refrigerate the Outdoor Rink.
Feeling nostalgic for and remembering childhoods spent skating and playing shinny hockey outside, members of the Springbank community came together to construct a covered Outdoor Rink so skaters can enjoy these much loved activities with family members and friends. With the financial help provided by a very generous group of community members, as well as from the establishment of a funding partnership with Rocky View County, SPFAS built a covered Outdoor Rink that opened in 2007.
For a number of years, the natural ice surface was a challenge to maintain due to the variability of weather conditions and the frequent presence of chinook winds in Springbank. Beginning in 2015, SPFAS partnered with the Springbank Minor Hockey Association (SMHA) to refrigerate the Outdoor Rink. The refrigerated ice system was first operated in November of 2016 and, since then, the Outdoor Rink has provided many wonderful skating opportunities for general public and SMHA teams.
In addition to utilizing the Curling Rink from October to March each season for curling activities, SPFAS for the first time in the Spring of 2011 converted this facility to an indoor baseball training venue immediately after the close of the curling season. This innovative and creative idea has led to an indoor baseball venue being available each year, generally during the three months from April – June. This venue’s features include an artificial turf infield, a batting cage, as well as pitching, batting and fielding stations. This venue is a very popular place for baseball players to train and practice, especially so they can enjoy playing baseball indoors while weather and snow conditions outside preclude them from playing outdoors.

With financial partnership support from the Phoenix Football Booster Club, the Government of Alberta, Rocky View Schools, the Brawn Family Foundation and Shaw Communications, SPFAS constructed a Fieldhouse that features two heated dressing rooms, washrooms and showers for the SCHS Senior Phoenix football team, the Phoenix Football Booster Club’s Junior football team and for Outdoor Rink users. The Fieldhouse is also utilized as a support facility for other activities and events that take place at SPFAS.
In conjunction with being innovative and creative while examining new opportunities to expand the use of existing facilities, SPFAS established a partnership with JVC representatives to transition the Outdoor Rink to a Beach Volleyball venue during the summer months. With support from JVC, the Government of Alberta, as well as SPFAS, the Beach Volleyball venue was established and opened for the first time in June of 2019. This venue features 4 beach volleyball courts that are covered by more than a foot of top quality sand. SPFAS is planning to continue to operate this venue for many summers to come.

More information coming soon regarding the 2021 Capital Facility Enhancements.